Problems when opening Word attachment in Jira issue

TamasS February 26, 2020

Hi Everyone,

we met a weird error after Jira to Jira migration. We migrated projects from a Jira 6.4 to Jira 8.4.

We could successfully importedevery issues with history . Then we imported the attachments by CSV. The attachments appear in the issues but some colleagues from different company locations are not able to open the Word docs while some other employees can.

When they click on the attached Word they get the following error message:

"We're sorry. We can't open login because we found a problem with its contents."

The weird thing is that they are able to open the same file in the source Jira.

I suspect that there was released a security setting between Jira 6.4 and Jira 8.4. Are you aware of such kind of release feature?

When they save the file as Save as... then they can open the Word, so there is something with the newer Jira URL to do...

Thank you!

Best regards,


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