Problems starting JIRA Core after updating to 8.13.11 possibly du to license problems

Björn Bittins September 29, 2021

Today I updated a JIRA Core instance to 8.13.11 and now Jira won't start anymore. The server is located in an isolated network with no nternet connection.

When starting the service and try to access Jira via browser I am redirected to .../secure/errors.jsp and see an error page showing HTTP 503 (service unavailable) and a lot of binary data/special characters.

Logs are showing no errors except atlassian-jira-log:

Your current Jira Core license doesn't allow you to upgrade to this version of JIRA (8.13.11). Jira Core expired on 18/Feb/21 2:00 PM, and you can currently only upgrade to versions released prior to this date. Alternatively you can renew your license at ( which will allow you to upgrade to this version of JIRA (8.13.11). You can enter your new license here (/support/secure/ConfirmNewInstallationWithOldLicense!default.jspa).


In MyAtlassian I see that my licence is valid until Feb 2023. If I add my license info on the page from the error message nothing is happening (maybe it needs internet connection?).

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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September 29, 2021

It does not need a connection to validate the licence, you just need to paste the current licence key into the licence box and save it there, all the validation is done on the key without going out to the internet.

If it is not attempting to save it, you'll need to read the logs in <Jira home>/logs to see what error is being thrown when you try to save it.

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