Portfolio finished issues not showing

Alexander Elskamp
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April 28, 2020

I have a bunch of epics in my portfolio and noticed, that finished issues are not shown anymore. I've set the "Include completed issues for" option to 30 days.

The progress bar of the epic just shows TO DO and IN PROGRESS, the issue marked as DONE wont show up in that either. So if I had 4 issues in total and finished one, the progress bar only shows 3 issues in total. Is there a fix for that?

In for example my release overview it's showing up as DONE.

1 answer

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joshua.peeling May 6, 2020

I am seeing a very similar issue. I have 2 almost identical stories, both tied to the same epic. Both are marked as done, and have a resolution set for them. Only one shows up under the Epic in the Portfolio view, the other one just won't display. It doesn't make sense because they are basically exactly the same.

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