Port configurations keep resetting after upgrade [RESOLVED]

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April 6, 2020

After upgrading Jira from 8.4.1 I ended up with a customisations and customizations-backup directory in my Jira directory. I took out all the file structure of customisations-backup and copied them into the root Jira directory. But after restarting Jira it seems still to be trying to go on port 8080. So I also applied the modifications to the files located in customisations, but there it keeps resetting the server.xml file to default state and then booting again at port 8080. 

This is a result of stupidity on my side: I exchanged the files in the application data and not in the installation folder. If somebody ever does the same thing: Find your actual installation directory. 

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 6, 2020

This is a result of stupidity on my side: I exchanged the files in the application data and not in the installation folder. If somebody ever does the same thing: Find your actual installation directory. 

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