Parents Without Children

adam.clifford3 June 27, 2024


I am looking for a filter / dashboard / report anything that allows me to find all epics without any children. 

Thanks Adam

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Trudy Claspill
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June 27, 2024

Hello @adam.clifford3 

There is not a native Jira issue filtering method for doing that.

You could create an Advanced Roadmap Plan that includes all the projects of concern as sources, and then you could visually assess the Epics list for Epics that have no expander icon - indicating they have no children.

Alternately you could create an Automation Rule to get a list of Epics and then add steps to check if they have child issues and send an email for the ones that do not.

Or you could consider a third party app that extends JQL filtering capabilities, such as ScriptRunner Enhanced search or GO!JQL:  Essential JQL Functions. You can find other apps that extend JQL capabilities here:

adam.clifford3 June 27, 2024

Hello Trudy,

Thanks for coming back
I have been using the advanced roadmap and it is long and painful.

I have also tried alternative filters in Script Runner but have not got any luck on the outcome. Do you have any idea what the filter may look like?

I will also give the automation a go.

Thanks Adam

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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June 27, 2024

You could use something like this:

issuetype=Epic and not issueFunction in epicsOf("issuetype in standardIssueTypes()")


This gets you all the Epics for any standard level issue:

issueFunction in epicsOf("issuetype in standardIssueTypes()")


Adding "not" in front of it says you want everything that is not in that list, which would be all standard level issues, subtasks, and Epics that have no children.


This gets you every Epic:



Combine the two and you get all the Epics that have no children.


You can refine the filter to limit it to specific projects.


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