Parent assigned to an issue

Marketa Cadkova January 14, 2025


I would like to change parent of an issue type "Task" from "Epic" to "Story",  but only issue types "Epics" are shown in the drop down list of the parent field. 

Is it because "story" and "task" are having the same default issues hierarchy level = 0?

Anyway, even when I want to set up parent for a "Sub-task" that as level =-1, I am able to choose only "Epic" as a parent child but not the "Story". 

Thank you for your support.




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Trudy Claspill
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January 14, 2025

Hello @Marketa Cadkova 

Jira's issue type hierarchy for the Standard subscription plan is:

Epic (level 1)
|-- "standard" issues (level 0)
|-- "subtask" issues (level -1)

An issue's parent can be only an issue type from the level directly above it.

Since Story and Task are both at level 0, they can be only siblings. You cannot set one as the parent of the other.

In the Standard subscript you can add more custom issue types at level 0, but you cannot move issue types to a different level. Doing so would require that you have a Premium or Enterprise subscription plan.

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