PORTFOLIO -- Commit of Portfolio for Jira Scenario do not affect Jira SPRINT

Gianluigi Brasili May 22, 2019

I got a plan on Portfolio with Scenarios enabled,

I worked on the plan to schedule and manage the team capacity then I did commit all the changes on the plan but I can't see any effect on Jira.

The sprints are empty despite the plan that provide a distribution of the stories over lots of sprints starting from today.

What is going wrong?


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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 23, 2019

Hi Gianluigi,

There are two things here that I think could be happening from what you described it sounds like you are either looking at the logical placeholder sprints or the sprints on the plan do not update the Jira data unless manually assigned.

First point is the logical sprints, in Portfolio there are logical sprints created as a place holder by portfolio to indicate how many sprints a plan will take to complete as well as the Actual sprints pulled from Jira.  

As an exe in the following screenshot the Actual Sprint from the Jira project is pulled in with the sprints name from the project "NEW Sprint 4" and the place holder sprints are the ones name "Sprint #"

Screen Shot 2019-05-23 at 1.20.03 PM.png

To get around this Create future sprints in the Board and the new sprints will update to the actual sprint names:

Screen Shot 2019-05-23 at 1.29.13 PM.png

Next if the above does not apply is point two, the Data in the sprint field in the scope does not automatically apply the sprint data.   Portfolio will pull in the sprints that you create in the board But will only suggest to you options to assign certain issues to certain sprints from the plan on a calculate action and does not commit that value until verified to avoide possibilities of scope creep on a commit.   These suggested associations are indicated by values highlighted as blue vs white like the following where "NEW Sprint 4" is highlighted as white meaning a full association pulled from Jira, and the rest are Blue meaning it is a suggested association that requires additional confirmation before finalizing:

Screen Shot 2019-05-23 at 1.42.17 PM.png


If this is the case Select the drop down and select the suggested sprint to verify the association and then commit to push the verified association back to Jira and the issues will show up on the sprint on the board.  Noting that if a sprint is started it will cause scope creep when doing this.

Let me know if this is what you are seeing, but if it is something else can you please clarify and add screenshots if possible without exposing any sensitive information so I can take a closer look.


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