Original estimate field mandatory when making a transition from TO DO to IN PROGRESS

Laviniu Chis June 28, 2024

I work with a team management project in Jira - Kanban flow. But I have the same issue in company management projects as well.

I want to make Original Estimate field as mandatory (a) when creating a new issue or (b) when transitioning an issue from a TO DO to IN PROGRESS status. I can add the field in the issue layout.



My problems are the following:
1. When I tried to make Original Estimate field mandatory, I didn't find it anywhere. Is is missing from the "Issue -Configuration Fields".
2. When I tried to create a rule for my workflow (start work transition) this field is missing again from the drop down list, but instead I see other custom created fields.

Any ideas?




3 answers

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Maciej Dudziak _Forgappify_
Rising Star
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June 29, 2024

Hi  @Laviniu Chis

In company-managed projects it is possible using expresion-based validators provided by apps, or if you need only a condition, there is ootb condition you can use. Note that you need to switch to the old editor, cause, in new editor you won't find the relevant options. I answered similar question here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Re-Workflow-Condition-How-to-set-condition-for-field-Or/qaq-p/2655223/comment-id/935856#M935856


Laviniu Chis June 29, 2024

thank you for your answer. Unfortunately for the team managed software project template I can not switch between old and new editor. I'm stuck with the new editor.


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 29, 2024

Hi Laviniu,

For Original estimate this is not possible in Jira natively; however, we are tracking this in the feature request below. I would suggest you start watching this feature request to receive future updates.

The only similar scenario would be achieved following the idea of "workflow transitions", but this is not exactly your request.

Laviniu Chis June 29, 2024

Thank you @Rohan for your answer. I'll wait for the possible development of this feature.

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Kuan Yi Ming _ServiceRocket_
Rising Star
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June 29, 2024

Hi @Laviniu Chis 

I believe this may be a limitation of Jira Cloud, as I do not see any viable automation or transition rules for a team-based project's issues that meet your requirements.

Until Atlassian implements the ability to add the Original Estimate field as a required field in a team-based project, one workaround would be to use an Atlassian Marketplace app that enables custom post-functions that can be triggered by Jira events such as Jira Misc Workflow Extensions or ScriptRunner. These apps can then check if the issue has no Original Estimate field set, and then run an appropriate workflow transition to revert the issue to its previous status automatically while displaying an appropriate error message to the user.

Yi Ming

Laviniu Chis June 29, 2024

Thank you @Kuan Yi Ming _ServiceRocket_ for your solution. I tried ScriptRunner but it is to technical for me. I guess I'll wait for the possible development of this feature as @Rohan suggested.

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