One user dont became Workbox Notification from JIRA Mention

Georg Freidl December 27, 2018

Hy Guys,

i use JIRA with an Application Link to Confluence.
The @Mention works mostly good, but one specified user dont see notification in his workbox, when he was mentioned in JIRA.

If the user was mentioned in Confluence, it works.
If the user was mentioned in JIRA, he became only an email but no notification in his Workbox in Confluence.

Only this user is affected by the problem.

can anyone help me, please?

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 31, 2018

Hi Georg,

Can you confirm that the user is the same username and email address in both Jira and Confluence? If he were to log out of Jira, does it automatically log him out of Confluence?



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