Not able to find payment method to update my card info

Ketan Sanjeeva Rai July 26, 2024

My credit card entered for billing has been expired. I want to update the details but nowhere i am able to find the option to update.

I have gone through the available articles on the same but could not find the option at my end.

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Valerie Knapp
Community Leader
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July 26, 2024

Hi @Ketan Sanjeeva Rai , welcome to the Atlassian Community and thanks for your question. 

As you are asking about billing in your specific context, this isn't typically something we can help with so I've tagged Atlassian into this question to support. Do you already have a support ticket open? 

If so, you could add it here. 

Best wishes and I hope you get some help regarding this issue!

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 29, 2024

Hi @Ketan Sanjeeva Rai 

It appears that a payment was made today on this account, but in case this did not resolve the issue here, I also created a support case on your behalf over in

I would recommend following up there with one of our customer advocate team members as they should be able to better help with billing aspects here.


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Ketan Sanjeeva Rai July 27, 2024

Hi Trudy,

Below is the link that i followed

Below is the screen shot, in which i am not able to see those options to change/update the payment method.


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Trudy Claspill
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July 26, 2024

Hello @Ketan Sanjeeva Rai 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Can you provide a link to the articles you used and tell us where your experience deviated from the article information? If you can provide screen images from your experience that would be helpful. Obscure confidential information, since this is a publicly accessible user forum.

Ketan Sanjeeva Rai July 27, 2024

Hi Trudy,

Below is the link of article which i referred.

Below is the screen shot, where i am not able to see Payment method option.


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Trudy Claspill
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July 27, 2024

Thank you for that additional information. The document you referenced had directions for accessing the information by selecting Products or Billing from options across the top of the screen. Have you tried navigating through those options?


You can also try reaching the payment information screen by clicking on the Manage link to the right of each product.

Ketan Sanjeeva Rai July 27, 2024

Hi Trudy,

We have tried all the options mentioned in the article and beyond that we tried lot more things.

Below is the screen shot after clicking on Manage. There we just have option to cancel subscription or change plan.


Our due date is 29th and we need to update the details.

Trudy Claspill
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July 27, 2024

Based on the first message on that screen, the person who provided that screen image is not a Billing Admin. There is a link in that message box to view the list of Billing Admins for your subscription. As noted on the message, one of the Billing Admins needs to login to update the payment information.

Have you viewed the list of Billing Admins and asked one of them to update the payment info?

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Ketan Sanjeeva Rai July 27, 2024

Previous screen shot that is provided is from the user who is the Billing Admins.

I have checked his screen, and the problem is that he is also able to see only those option which are available for site Admin users.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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July 28, 2024

I have flagged your post to raise it to the attention of the Atlassian team.

Ketan Sanjeeva Rai July 29, 2024

Deadline to update the card details is of today. Request to please take it on top priority and to make sure it does not impact our business.

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