New user help... Please

Joseph Evanson Jr_ May 16, 2024

Hi, i'm new to Jira and while I love the capabilities, onboarding as a new user is not particularly intuitive. I have a few questions and hopefully someone can help me out.

1. is it possible to add cards to Kanban boards in a company managed project? I am the admin and I have not invited any team members yet as I am still getting familiar with the system but when I create a company managed board it defaults with the standard "To Do", "In Progress", and "Done" cards but unlike in a team managed board there is no + sign to add another card. How do I add more cards? For example a "For Review" card.

2. I'm also not clear on the transition from multiple platforms into one Jira and am having an issue with a trial. When I first signed up to try the software I selected Jira Work Management since that is how i'll be using the program, for project management. My company specializes in design, and rapid prototyping. However as I was trying to demo the features and set up test projects some features were missing in the free version so I tried to activate the trial of Jira Premium. The trial seems to be of Jira Software Premium. I understand Work Management is combining at some point but the projects I created are still under Work Management and when I click on Jira in my apps dropdown it brings me into Jira software and says "You don't have any software projects."

There are a few other issues bugging me but for brevity sake i'll stop here. I have started checking out Atlassian University and have tried searching for answers to my questions with no success. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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May 16, 2024

Hello @Joseph Evanson Jr_ 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

First, I want to say it is great that you are already looking at . That is an excellent resource. There are also lots of independently made and Atlassian made videos on YouTube, plus, of course, this community.

Second, let us clear up some terminology.

"Cards" is used to refer to the issues as they display in a board or backlog screen.

What you called To Do, In Progress, and Done are Status values. These become columns in a board and the cards/issues that have been set to those statuses display in the respective columns.

Regarding your first question you said you are trying to add a "card", but since you said you otherwise referred to Statuses, I think maybe you are asking about how to add another Status value/column. Is that correct?

When you are talking about the + button that appears in a Team Managed project, are you talking about the one you would see in the board configuration to add a column?

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 3.45.48 PM.png

Or are you talking about the +Create Issue button?

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 3.47.19 PM.png


Once we get that straight, then we can provide an answer.



The transition that is happening to combine Jira Work Management and Jira Software may be a a little tricky to understand.

Atlassian has stopped allowing subscriptions to just Jira Work Management. If you already had just JWM you would be able to keep it until your subscription (or trial period) expires.

When you say you tried to activate the Premium trial, exactly how did you try to do that? Did you go into managing your subscription and try to "upgrade" to the Premium trial for your JWM subscription? Or did you go to another location and end up starting a new trial under a new site URL? I am suspicious that you may have set up the Premium Trial as a new site.

On this page
I found the following information concerning JWM free trials:

"Jira Work Management trials will remain active until their end date. Until your trial ends, you can still purchase a Jira Work Management plan, or upgrade and downgrade your existing plan. If you purchase Jira Work Management during your trial period, you will have access to Jira Work Management until the time of migration. After migration to Jira, you will be eligible for a 10% discount on your Jira subscription. For more details on the discount, see above.

Once your trial period is over, you will no longer be able to purchase a Jira Work Management plan but you will be able to purchase a Jira subscription."

Joseph Evanson Jr_ May 16, 2024

Thank you for the quick response, sorry for the misunderstanding in terminology. Yes I’m referring to adding a "status" then. I’d like to add "For review" for example before moving to "Done". 

You may correct about signing up for the trial on the site vs in settings, I assumed if I was signed in that the site would see my current version and upgrade that version to premium but I guess not. 
In the meantime should I just start using the other trial and wait for the work management to expire? 

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 16, 2024

As per the information reference I provided, if you want only JWM since you have started a trial you would be able to move forward with just JWM. However in 2025 you would have to transition to using the unified product.

If you decide to go with the combined product now and choose to get a paid subscription for the premium version, it will cost more than if you choose to continue now with the JWM product. To ensure you have accurate information on the cost difference, and confirm that you would in fact still be able to get JWM-only in a premium subscription, you should contact the Atlassian licensing team directly.

Regarding your original question about adding a Status to a Company Managed Business/Work Management projects:

Click on Project Settings.

Click on the Workflows option.

Click on the pencil on the right to edit the workflow.

Click the Diagram button.

Click the button labeled +Add status 

In the pop up check the box that says Allow all statuses to transition to this one.

In the pull down field type in the name of the new status. It will appear below with (new status) next to it. Click on that.

Click the Add button.

In the next pop up you need to pick the Status Category. There are three to choose from. You should pick In Progress. Then click Create. The new status will show in the diagram.

Click on Publish Draft, above the diagram.

Choose whether or not you want to keep a copy of the original workflow.

 Then click Publish.


View the project board again. You should see a column for the new status you created.

Joseph Evanson Jr_ May 17, 2024

Ok, thank you. This is the path I was going down but I was trying to add a transition and kept getting an error, not realizing I had to publish first. 

For the program version selection , i'll try to create a support ticket and see if I can get in touch with someone from that department. Thanks again for your help. 

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Joseph Evanson Jr_ May 16, 2024

Also, if Work Management is going away, can I remove it from my apps to avoid confusion? Because when I go to Atlassian Home, this is what I see. There isn't even a distinction between the two programs.Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 6.28.37 PM.png



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