Need to automate assignees based on states of a JIRA and states based on a new build

Joshua McKee December 20, 2018

I need to automate assignees based on states of a JIRA, I think there is an add on for automation I can use, but I think we may need an upgraded version of JIRA or be using JIRA server.  It seems so simple on this article below, I just need to click an admin dropdown(which I don't see anywhere even though I am an admin of our JIRA instance):


I want to move through:
To Do -> In Progress -> Fixed -> Building -> Review
When an issues moved to fixed it should be assigned to a bot. When a build is triggered it should move to Building, and when complete to Review (with appropriate reference as to which build to verify the change).

Any ideas?



Josh McKee

1 answer

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Alexey Matveev
Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 20, 2018


You could use the Update Issue Post function and set the Assignee field for each transition.

Joshua McKee December 20, 2018

Would this need to be a Python or SQL script or is there some way to do this in the UI?  

Alexey Matveev
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 20, 2018

You do it in the UI.

Go to project settings -> Workflows. Find your workflow. Edit it. Then find the required transition and add the Update Issue post function.

You can find more info about post functions here:

Joshua McKee December 20, 2018

I'll check it out, thankyou

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