NOTE: You do not have permission to perform a bulk transition on the selected issues.

Bess McDonald February 26, 2020

I have a locally installed Jira system (v8.4.3) that has many workflows that have broken resolutions of  unresolved when the task is in the final state of Closed, Finished, Done, Cancelled, etc. 

For the most part I have been able to fix the problem by creating a closed to closed transition with a change to a resolution of complete and fixing the broke transitions. 

A couple projects are giving the message. You do not have permission to perform a bulk transition on the selected ## issues."  I have looked at permissions schemes and I am definitely allowed to transition and have done so on task types of "task" it is just "vendor quote" giving me an issue.

I have looked at workflows and do not see any conditions or validations on any transitions into closing an issue.  The only thing I see is on transition from Ready for Delivery to Closed we are popping up and attachment and comment screen.

Where else can I look for why I am not permitted to transition the single issue type? 

Happy to provide more information or screen shots if clarification is needed.

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Jack Brickey
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February 26, 2020

it could be that there are restrictions w/in the workflow (condition e.g. only assignee can transition, or something else). My recommendation is to split up your filter and perform the bulk transition on each set until you zero in on a specific issue that is failing and then it will be easier to determine the cause. My bet is on the workflow conditions or validator.

Ashkan Malekly
Rising Star
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February 26, 2020

Hi @Bess McDonald  

Check the Jack solution. If you have again problem. Check that all of your workflow has your favorite transition. Maybe in some of them you missed the transition.

Bess McDonald February 26, 2020

On old tickets I cannot transition, I can create a brand new broken ticket with identical values to the old ticket and I am able to bulk transition it and the fix resolution button displays on the screen.   The fix button is not visible on the old screens  in the same status of closed. Both tickets use the same workflow. I have individually clicked on every transition the only thing other than post transition is to create an issue only users with Create Issues permission can execute this transition.transdata-3534.png

Bess McDonald February 28, 2020

I was also able to clone the old issue (that I cannot transition) and close the clones using the bad workflow that does not set a resolution and then and then transition the clone through the fix resolution bulk change successfully.  I opened an Atlassian Support ticket because this has me stumped.

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