Mobile Connect for monotouch

Berndt Johansson October 10, 2011


Got an announcement email for mobile connect for iOS development. Sounds interesting but does it work with projects developed using monotouch?


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Atlassian Team
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October 11, 2011

Hi Berndt,

I've got no experience with Monotouch, however JIRA Mobile Connect is all Objective-C and uses standard iOS APIs.

If you can use Objective-C classes and APIs from Monotouch (it looks like you can), then you can use JIRA Mobile Connect.

Please give it a try and let us know how you go, and whether or not you discover any issues. The JMC iOS SDK is completely Open Source and available on BitBucket:



Berndt Johansson October 25, 2011

Thank you Nick.

I will give it a try. Found an article that describes how to bind objective-c api so it should be possible. Just one extra hurdle to get passed.


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