Missing information in People list

Johanna Zetterberg April 30, 2019

In the Jira project People list some users have names in Name column but som have name.surnamne. In email column som users does not show the email address. Why?

2 answers

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Fazila Ashraf
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April 30, 2019

Hi @Johanna Zetterberg 

It depends on how the user account is created (if internal) or how it is setup in the LDAP/crowd source of user data.

Connect with the jira administrator to explore on the user directories (https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver079/configuring-user-directories-950288323.html ) to understand more.

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Tarun Sapra
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April 30, 2019

Hello @Johanna Zetterberg 

It depends on your user management in Jira setup, if it's using internal directory then users were not created properly in the internal directory.

If it's using LDAP, then you have to talk to local EIT team to check the details of malformed usernames in the LDAP.

If its' using crowd then you have to check user details in crowd.

Johanna Zetterberg April 30, 2019

Hi, Users were created i Jira.

Tarun Sapra
Community Leader
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April 30, 2019

Then while creating the users, the data entered for the users was not properly validated. 

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