Migration from JIRA 4.0.1 to 5.1.8

Stephan Stephan November 7, 2012

Good day,

We have a JIRA production installation (version 4.0.1) running on linux on a dedicated server running tomcat (6.0.18).

For the moment our Confluence instance is running on the same tomcat.

We want to follow your new requirements and separate our confluence and jira installation.

During this process, we have to upgrade JIRA from 4.0.1 to 5.1.8.

The confluence upgrade will be done later.

What's the safest and fastest procedure tu upgrade this instance as the documentation lists several options.

Do we have to go through an other installation (4.3, 4.4?) or can we proceed the upgrade directly?

Thank you

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Atlassian Team
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November 7, 2012

Here is what I suggest you:

  1. Install JIRA 5.1.8 from scratch (without customize any file), according to this documentation: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Installing+JIRA+from+an+Archive+File+on+Windows%2C+Linux+or+Solaris
    using a clean HOME and INSTALL directory;
  2. Install the needed plugins;
  3. Shutdown your JIRA 5.1.8 instance;
  4. Copy the attachments directory from the old JIRA home (from 4.0.1) to the new JIRA 5.1.8 home folder (JIRA_HOME/data/attachments);
  5. Create a new XML backup (https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA040/Backing+Up+Data#BackingUpData-UsingJIRAsXMLbackuputility) in your 4.0.1 instance and copy it to the <JIRA_5.1.8_HOME>/import folder;
  6. If you have a LDAP or other external user management integrated to your instance, copy the osuser.xml file located on <JIRA_4.0.1_INSTALL>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes folder to the <JIRA_5.1.8_INSTALL>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes folder;
  7. And if you have Crowd as an user management, you also need to copy the crowd.properties file located on <JIRA_4.0.1_INSTALL>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes folder to the <JIRA_5.1.8_INSTALL>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes folder;
  8. Start JIRA 5.1.8;
  9. Restore the XML backup of JIRA 4.0.1 in your new JIRA by going to Administration > System > Import & Export > Restore System;

After that, you will have your JIRA 5.1.8 working like a charm.

Hope that helps.

Stephan Stephan November 11, 2012

I tried the direct upgrade with xml import and was stuck at some point. We already use LDAP on 4.0.1 and missed https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA043/JIRA+4.3+Upgrade+Guide#JIRA4.3UpgradeGuide-WhathappenswhenupgradingtoJIRA4.3 so it didn't work...

Stephan Stephan November 22, 2012

Finally it worked for a migration to 5.2

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