Make transition conditions of a story dependent on Epic state

Linus Lindroth September 8, 2014


I need to setup a workflow where tasks and stories are grouped into Epics but the users should not be allowed to set those stories and tasks to a certain state until the Epic is approved by a steering committee. So when the Epic is in a certain state it should trigger the linked tasks and stories to be transitioned to the same state. Can that be done with JIRA?

4 answers

2 votes
Boris Berenberg
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September 8, 2014

This is not possible with JIRA out of the box, nor with any plugin I currently know of. There is a popular plugin which offers a number of Workflow Validators: so maybe asking them for this as a feature request would be an option. It looks like the JIRA PM has said that we don't plan to implement this:

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Rising Star
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November 25, 2014

You can check out Misc Workflow Extensions, specifically "Transition Linked Issues":

The Epic Link can be found through searches, e.g. issueFunction in hasLinks("is epic of"), or "has epic" also works. This way you can set automated transitions. You can still use conditions provided by JIRA Suite Utilities mentioned by Boris in order to prevent those transitions to be possible/visible until you want them to be.

Linus Lindroth November 26, 2014

Thank you Sana. I was able to hide the buttons for Issues that didn't have Epics in a certain state by using Script Runner and JQL conditions with filters as you mention. I have not been able to find a solution how to transition linked issues yet because I primarily want to do that with groovy scripts as well. The plugin you mention seems to have a cost related.

Linus Lindroth November 26, 2014

I actually got some help in that matter here:

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shekar kudukuntla
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March 29, 2020

This is possible by using automation for jira , simply you can trigger depends in epic status automatically stories and other tasks will reach same status.

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Linus Lindroth September 8, 2014

There must be some way of doing this? Can't I include a groovy script or use a listener or something? Or if I create a custom field "Approved" with the options Yes, No & TBD and then set a condition for an Issues in the Epic that it must be Yes to allow transition to further steps? JIRA Suite Utilities seems to have a condition called "Certain value in system or custom field", perhaps that can be used?

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