Keep Track of Client/Contact per Task

Guy Renkovski February 8, 2025

Setting up a Jira "Business Project".

Been going in circles trying to find a way to track the client for a task.  Company Name and Contant Name.

We probably don't need a full CRM and do not need to track leads.  We just need to know the client's info for that task and need that name to be consistent so that then next staff member doesn't use abbreviations or different capitalization (like Labels allow).

It would be nice to know how much a client owes on all open tasks but it's not absolutely necessary.

Labels allow for open entry and consider Capitalization as different labels plus no spacing.

Custom fields like a cascading lists would probably require someone to manage that custom filed.

Any ideas.  We're open to a third party app if it adds the ability to have multiple contacts and phone/email.


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Jack Brickey
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February 9, 2025

Hi @Guy Renkovski , if adding the client info in each time an issue is created is an option then using custom fields would work. However, I expect you are wanting a solution where the user associated with the Reporter would automatically populate the reporter (client) details. In that case you could use Assets but that requires Premium tier or you could consider a marketplace add-on solution.

Guy Renkovski February 9, 2025

Hi Jack,

Thanks for the response. 

I was kind of thinking assets as well. 

I think we may end up on the Premium edition to have multiple hierarchies and approvals. I’ve also setup SnipeIT integrations with a third party plugin which from what I remember was a lot more mobile friendly that Jira Assets. 

The only issue I see is that it would require users to go to assets and possibly create an “asset” in a slightly different UI. 

In the mean time, I was able to make an Epic as the Parent task in the hierarchy but the idea was that the top tier task would be the job site and I’m not sure if using client as an Epic would make sense.  Thinking about it all again, the client is not always the one who is paying and we may need to link more than one “client” to a job. 

As for linking the reporter to the asset, the reporter would be a team member as clients just want to email or chat and rarely even mention which job is which when replying. 

I wonder if there is an address book plugin for Jira. 

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