Kanban Board based on Stories

Bayar Said December 30, 2022

Hello, I am trying to figure out how I can set my kanban board based on my each stories i created.

I have already tried to set it on stories using the option jira already set up:

stories swimlane base.jpg


However its not working how I actually want it to be.. If I set the swimlanes based on Storys via the option mentioned above, the result coming out is based on Tasks and showing Sub-Tasks i created for those..

Thats how i created my WBS:


And that is how I want my Kanban Board look like:


I have already tried using JQL but couldnt figure it out yet.. I hope someone could help me out!


Thanks in advance!




2 answers

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Alex Ortiz
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January 28, 2023

I see the problem here.  You can't do what you are trying to do in Jira.  You are trying to make a Task be the child of a Story.  And the Sub-task be the child of the Sub-task.  Jira doesn't work like that.

You have to treat your Story and your Tasks as the SAME level.  That means that a Story can ONLY have a sub-task as a child.  The same for a Task, it can only have a Sub-task as a child.  Story and Tasks are siblings.  . . .at the same hierarchy level.

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Craig Nodwell
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December 30, 2022

Hi @Bayar Said when you base your swimlanes on Stories the Story becomes the swimlane and it's children become the cards on the board in that lane.  This is how the board is designed.  What are you looking for in the board that you are not getting, maybe provide a screen shot of that.

Bayar Said December 30, 2022

Hi @Craig Nodwell this is the result i get when i set the swimlanes based on Stories using the option:

screen result.jpgstories swimlane base.jpg

Craig Nodwell
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December 30, 2022

Yes, that's working as designed.  The story itself is the swim-lane, it's children cards display below.

Bayar Said December 30, 2022

No, the swimlane itself is based on Task 1.2 and showing me only the sub-tasks of Task 1.2.


Task 1.1, Story and its tasks of my second epic are missing totally.. 


What I want are swimlanes for each Stories, like this:


Craig Nodwell
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December 30, 2022

Okay, I see what you are seeing now.  What's the filter query for the board?

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Bayar Said December 30, 2022

I haven't set any filters yet.. only the basic filters are inserted.

filter swimlanes.jpg

Craig Nodwell
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December 30, 2022

Those are quick filters.  The board filter is on the general tab.  :)

Bayar Said December 30, 2022

Is this board the correct one?

filter query.jpg

Craig Nodwell
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December 30, 2022

If you go back to the board configuration, then into the General Tab it will give you both the name of the filter and the contents of that filter will also be displayed.  Since you are setting up Kanban you'll also have the ability to apply a sub-filter to the board.  Go look there :) it's probably very basic like project = xxxx

Bayar Said December 30, 2022

I got it. I guess this is the board you were looking for.

Bild 1.jpg


Craig Nodwell
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December 30, 2022

Just heading to my office.  I'll write up an explanation for you shortly.

Bayar Said January 2, 2023

Hi @Craig Nodwell thank you for your effort. I appreciate it!
I wanted to know if you could find any solution for my case?

Thanks in advance!

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