Just upgraded to Jira 5.0.2 and having trouble with previous workflow validators and post-functions

Patrick Horne April 9, 2012

It appears that the latest version of Jira that we upgraded to does not support previous validators and post-functions we had used in various workflows.

The two specific ones we're concerned with are:

1) Validating a custom field on workflow transition

2) Post-function to assign an issues to a Project Role on a workflow transition

Both of those features don't appear to be available in the Validators or Post-functions in Jira 5. I have had to remove them from the workflows to be able to continue to transition issues through the flow. Did that functionality get moved somewhere else, or was it removed entirely?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 9, 2012

Neither of those are built-in functions, they must have been provided by 3rd party plugins you had installed in the old Jira.

If you've still got the old Jira install available, have a look in the plugin installation directories to see what plugins are there and what you've hence what you've missed from the new install.

If you upgraded by copying the old home directories into the new install, then check the "plugins" section under Admin - that will tell you what plugins are failing to load, then you can look up why (probably going to need to upgrade them)

Worst case, open the xml for one of the workflows trying to use them, then you'll find the class names buried in there and you can throw those into google to see what you're now missing.

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