Just signed up, most user unfriendly experience ever for a hosted service, can't login

Axel Kratel December 1, 2011

I want to try out the online JIRA, but this has got to be the most horrible system ever. How do I login? You give me a login to some customer portal, but that login doesn't work anywhere else. For each of your sub systems, I have to sign up for yet another account. And then, when I go to the hosted JIRA login, I can't login at all.

Relay this to your product managers. This is the WORST first touch experience of any hosted product I've ever signed up for. It's been 1 hour, and I still can't login to the product.

And does anyone even know how I can get started with my trial after signing up?

2 answers

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Jeremy Largman
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 2, 2011

Hi Axel,

Sorry to hear you had this experience. There's actually a couple different pieces to it:

  1. Single signon: you mentioned there are different logins to our different systems. We know we have a significant challenge here. It's a difficult technical undertaking, actually, but that's besides the point. We know we need to get it right.
  2. Login to OnDemand after signup: This should have worked. If you're still at all open to continuing your evaluation, you can try 'forgot password', unless there was a typo in your signup email address. If forgot password also isn't working, contact us at sales@atlassian.com and we'll get it rectified.

If its something other than that, we'd love to hear specifics of what went wrong so we can try to address it. I realize that might not be of interest now that you've had an initial bad experience, but we'd appreciate it if you're still open to it.

Axel Kratel December 2, 2011

I just had yet more problems. I tried to login to respond to this question, my password didn't work, so I tried resetting it. After getting a new temporary password, changing it to something I can remember, I came back to this screen, and it asked me to login again. Logging in with my new password didn't work, so I reset it again, and just left it as a temporaty password, and finally managed to login.

When I tried to login to the trial, I got a CAPCHA, and no matter how many times I tried logging in, it claimed I failed the CAPCHA. Seems your entire login/cookie strategy isn't working very well. I finally gave up and downloaded the trial. We will just be upgrading our own version and will not be using the hosted version. It doesn't appear ready for prime time.

As a whole, both JIRA and your online websites are incredibly convoluted, even the documentation is terribly user unfriendly. Your software is good, but the only way to learn it is by trial and error to see what the various things do. You seriously need to hire a usability person and make your software more usable, it will bring you many happy customers.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 2, 2011

>When I tried to login to the trial, I got a CAPCHA, and no matter how many times I tried logging in, it claimed I failed the CAPCHA. Seems your entire login/cookie strategy isn't working very well.

I've had this - try suspending (or whitelisting) your ad-blocker software. It might be the problem.

Sathish VJ
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 23, 2012

I do not understand why this post is downvoted ... it should be upvoted so that these issues are actively addressed for both the good of Atlassian and its customers. I was very much looking forward to taking on the world with Atlassian, but I'm barely out of my parking lot after a couple of weeks.

Things to be addressed:

* all these logins! oh my lord, when will it stop! I've signed up at least 5 places so far. And today again it asked me sign up elsewhere. I had to roll my eyes and walk away.

-- for each thing you need answers, support, configuration, jira studio, raising issues, etc. there is a separate login! How can I put my team members through that without expecting mutiny?

* mercurial/git support. I went through a lot of the promotional material and at every place it 'alludes' to good integration with other tools.

-- it's downright unacceptable that the Atlassian site at http://www.atlassian.com/software/crucible/overview/tour/feature-overview, with the OnDemand tab selected proclaims "Integrates with Subversion, Git, Mercurial, CVS and Perforce". C'mon guys, you are better than that!

At this point, I have to agree with the original poster - this is a bunch of stuff tied together with string and duct tape. And yet it deserves the backhanded compliment that Microsoft used to receive - it's good coz there are no alternatives. Or are there?

thanks for listening, and hopefully things will move ahead faster and better


0 votes
Axel Kratel December 1, 2011

Too complex, I gave up and canceled trial. Waste of an hour signing up for something where I can't even login to the actual product. Hosted Atlassian is a kluge of junk that doesn't interoperate well. It's a bunch of stuff tied together with duct tape. This is a perfect example of what NOT to do when hosting an online service. Better off running our own.

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