Jira userlist

Jani Jani October 5, 2011


How can I get userlist (realnames/usernames) out of the Jira. I need to submit such forward to check for old employees etc.

5 answers

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Lasse Langhorn
Rising Star
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May 22, 2019

You can use the Jira User Export app for Jira Server. It is free to download and use: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1220535/jira-user-export?hosting=server&tab=overview




Lasse Langhorn

1 vote
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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October 5, 2011

Depends on what access you have and what you need. Are you a Jira admin? Do you have read access to the database? (If the answer to both of those is "no", then you probably can't do it anyway)

Jani Jani October 5, 2011

Yes and Yes

I just need a quick way to list users in some sensible form so I can get a decent list out.

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Jani Jani December 1, 2011


Jira in question is old 4.0 upgraded from 3.xx

it still old userbase+membershipbase etc.

Rising Star
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December 4, 2011

OK - the table structure was pretty ugly back then :(

For username and full name run this:

select username, psfn.propertyvalue as full_name
from userbase u
join propertyentry pefn on pefn.entity_id = u.id and pefn.ENTITY_NAME = 'OSUser' and pefn.property_key = 'fullName'
join propertystring psfn on psfn.id = pefn.id

If you want the email address as well, do this:

select username, psfn.propertyvalue as full_name, psem.propertyvalue as email
from userbase u
join propertyentry pefn on pefn.entity_id = u.id and pefn.ENTITY_NAME = 'OSUser' and pefn.property_key = 'fullName'
join propertystring psfn on psfn.id = pefn.id
join propertyentry peem on peem.entity_id = u.id and peem.ENTITY_NAME = 'OSUser' and peem.property_key = 'email'
join propertystring psem on peem.id = psem.id

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 13, 2011
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Jani Jani November 9, 2011

I am looking to get list of inactive users from OSUser, like this (for confluence): http://alturl.com/3qov8

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