Jira update allowing changing "Assignee" from filter screen, how to restrict

Cristina Santamaria June 25, 2024

Based on the recent changes Atlassian made to Jira, users can now change the "assignee" from the filter screen. 

In our environment, we only want a select group of people to do the "assigning" due to work schedules, etc. and this will allow anyone to change the assignee to anyone they want. 

I am trying to figure out how to restrict it, so that only via transitions can issue to "Assigned".

I am trying to remove the permission "assign user" but, as each step in my workflow can go to a new person, I am not sure the "post functions" will work. I am testing, but was wondering if anyone else has a similar problem with the newest update and if they have a work around.

Automation is not a work around, as we would exceed the limit and incur extra costs, which we would rather not do for this purpose.

thank you


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Bryce Lord
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June 26, 2024

Hi @Cristina Santamaria

As you mentioned above, this is typically handled through permissions. If only a certain group of individuals should be able to assign work, then we need to make sure that this group is the only one that has the "Assign Issues" permissions in those projects.

If you're speaking about the initial assignment of work, and after that anyone can assign the work to whoever it needs to go to next then everyone will still need the "Assign Issues" permission.

If that's the case one way to solve this issue, although I don't love the solution, is to adjust the transition where the work is initially assigned and use the "User is in group" condition. This will only allow specific users (within the group selected, which would contain those individuals that can assign work) to see the transition and so only they could move it to the next step in the process. After that point, anyone could assign the work through the rest of the process.

The only reason I don't love the solution is sometimes conditions cause confusion on why some users can see specific transitions and others can't.

Hope this helps!

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