Jira ticket numbers changed after migrating projects to company managed projects

Wouter-jan Roosmalen van
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April 10, 2024

Since three days we have an issue that the Jira ticket number changed.

So a ticket was created, got an incremental number, now that number has changed.


referencing a ticket in a comment shows the current ticket number:
Schermafbeelding 2024-04-10 124939.png


clicking this link works fineSchermafbeelding 2024-04-10 125023.png

when i pres previous page i go to this page with a different (old) code:

Schermafbeelding 2024-04-10 125051.png

when i go to this page again if forwards me to job-79.


This happened after we switched from team managed project to company managed project. No clue if that is the issue


this is a big issue since we reference ticket numbers in our feature releases so everything is a huge mess. Please help I have no clue how to fix this.


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Joe Pitt
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April 10, 2024

Issue numbers are tied to the project. Moving issues to a new project will generate a new number. However, if you search with the old number the issue will still come up.

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