Jira is not respecting the Manage Sprints permission

Huuuze December 5, 2018

I have a Scrum board configured to point to a single a project using the associated filter. The filter does not contain anything other than "project = ABC".

The "ABC" project has a permission scheme and I have added a user ("KenM") to the "Manage Sprints" permission. I've also added him to the "Administrators" role on the project; the project Administrators role is also part of the "Manage Sprints" .

Unfortunately, "KenM" cannot complete the sprint. He sees the button, but it says he needs to be included in the "Manage Sprints" permission.

Does anyone know of a query I can run against the Jira database (v7.8.0) to figure out what's going on? I'm at a complete loss at this point. FWIW, anyone in the Jira administrators group can complete sprints.

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Matt Doar
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December 5, 2018

Sometimes an issue in another project is using the same sprint. That happens if you moved the issue. Check for that with

sprint = nnnn and project != ABC

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