Jira for designers

Anna Kirakosyan
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April 29, 2024

I'm seeking best practices for integrating UI/UX designer into our development process using Jira. At this stage I created another board for design and requirement gathering process separate from development board. Our design phase typically precedes development and often encompasses multiple stories, such as designing a section of an application that needs to be considered holistically. Would it be advisable to create a dedicated task specifically for UX/UI design in this scenario? This task would have a straightforward workflow and would be closed upon completion, after which individual stories would be created for development implementation. 

Any use cases or projects that have successfully employed a similar process in Jira?

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Bill Sheboy
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April 29, 2024

Hi @Anna Kirakosyan -- Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I do not feel there are any best practices: only better or worse ones based on a specific team's needs, context, and scale.  That being noted...

I have observed three ways of doing this for UI/UX teams I have supported:

  • embedded
    • UI/UX skilled people are dedicated to specific teams, and their work is on that team's work tracking
    • when there are "all of UI/UX" work items (e.g., build a new style guide), they collaborate using a separate work-tracking area / Jira project using a guild model
  • service team
    • all UI/UX skilled people are one team, with their own defined workflow, intake, and work tracking
    • requests come to them and are managed, in addition to the discovery and experimentation work done initiated by the UI/UX team
  • one value stream
    • there is one value stream defined for the organization, and all work is on it, helping improve focus through visible goals / measures, WIP management, and other lean practices
    • this fits better for a smaller orgs, or where the organization has multiple and independent delivery value streams

Kind regards,

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