Jira fails to create epics

Stefan Lorenz February 26, 2018

After upgrading to Jira 7.8 i had several issues with my instance.

There was an incomaptible Addon: WBS Gantt


After removing it manually i was able to start jira normaly. 
Since then i get 1000+ duplicates of 'Epic-Story Link' in Table 'issuelinktype'

After following


This issue was resolved but now i am unable to create epics.

It fails with: "Epic-Name required" even if an epic is named correctly. 
The epic is not created.



1 answer

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 26, 2018

Since you are seeing that particular error message, it means that there is a field called "Epic Name" that must have some value before you can continue.  It is possible that this field might not be appearing on the screen where you are trying to create this epic.  If that happens, you can't create this issue type until that field has some value.

I think the best way to address this particular problem is to return to the screen that generates this error for you, then use the Jira Admin Helper, specifically the field helper to find the field called 'epic name' on that screen.  On that screen you should be able to click the gear/cog icon on the popup and select the option for "Where's my field?" in order to do this.

I am actually expecting that this utility will generate a red box of some kind that explains that this particular field does not exist on this screen, but in turn you can follow that link as a means to adjust this screen to make sure it includes this field.

Stefan Lorenz February 26, 2018

Hi, thanks for your fast reply.

But i doubt that this is the issue. It seems to be connected to the descrisbed problem with the duplicate "epic" link type. 

 EDIT: The field appears in the form, but regardless whats in it, the error is thrown.

All epics that were created before the ugrade and the database operations show:

"no.-label" epic. 

Its hard for me to describe the error, seems that the database is corrupt at many places. 


In the custom field section, more than 20 fields with "epic name" and "epic color" do exist. 

Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 27, 2018

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for those details.  The fact that your instance suddenly has multiple epic name and epic color fields is an indication to me that the JIRA software plugin/application is likely not able to fully start up correctly.

To better troubleshoot this, I would like to gather logs from your environment.  Please see https://getsupport.atlassian.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/20/GHS-109445

You can upload logs to that case.



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