Jira cloud cloning comments

Ashwin Balakrishnan March 4, 2020



We use Jira cloud and while cloning a ticket from jira project to another, we want comments to be cloned as well. I dont see an option of cloning comments. How can i achieve cloning of comments ?



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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 6, 2020

Hello @Ashwin Balakrishnan

Thank you for reaching out.

Indeed, Jira does not have the ability to clone comments when you click to clone issues, however, we clearly understand how useful this functionality would be in some cases.

That being said, we created the following feature request to get this feature implemented in Jira Cloud application:

Allow different "Clone Issue" options 

Feel free to vote and watch the suggestion to increase its priority and also receive notifications about any updates.

As a workaround, there are some Marketplace apps that might add this functionality to Jira, like the one below:

Deep Clone for Jira 

Let us know if you have any questions.

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