Jira and Confluence Link

Chalani Wijayananda
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February 4, 2025

How to filter the Jira Issues without a confluence Link?

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Dan Breyen
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February 4, 2025

Hi @Chalani Wijayananda welcome to the community.  I'm not exactly sure what your question is, but are you looking for a way to add Jira issues to a page?  If so you can use the 'Jira Issues' element by selecting "Insert Elements" (The + on the toolbar) from your Confluence page and then modifying the criteria to get the Jira issues.

I hope that answers your question. If now, would it be possible to clarify the issue you are having?

Chalani Wijayananda
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February 4, 2025

Hi @Dan Breyen Thank you for your response,I'm not looking for a way to add link jira with confluence.

As I have linked all the existing pages in confluence with Jira Issue,I have came across with a matter I need to filter all the Jira Issues without a confluence page linked.If you can help me to find a solution for that please?


Chalani Wijayananda
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 4, 2025

or wise visa Find Jira Cloud issues with a confluence page linked


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