Jira Work Management Timeline - is it possible to map out two dates?

Dmitry Alabyan February 28, 2024

Greetings, Community!
I was wondering, if anyone knows of solutions or plugins to display two timelines for one issue on the Roadmap?
We are using a work management project as a marketing planner.
And the two dates differ - start of work on the campaign and start of the actual campaign.
Out of the box solution with the timeline allows to account only for one start date, which leaves us at disadvantage (either we track only project overview or only the campaign overview).
Is there any add-on with more complex timelines for the same issue?

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John Funk
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February 28, 2024

Hi Dmitry,

No this is not possible to show two or more timelines for a single issue. You can have start and due dates, but not multiple start dates. You might consider two different issues for the work. 

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