Jira Structure - formula columns

Deleted user November 30, 2022



Can you help me to create two formula columns in Jira Structure ?

The Hierarchy is:

  • Epic
    • Story
      • Subtask

The query for my Jira Structure is on subtasks level.

I want to make two formula columns where the remaining estimates and due date of the subtask it's parent issue (Story) is made visible.

Thanks a lot !


2 answers

3 votes
Nicholas Ellis _ALM Works_
Atlassian Partner
December 2, 2022

Hi @[deleted] ,

Welcome to the community!

These should be rather simple formulae to write.  I would do something like this:

if type = "Subtask" : PARENT{due_date}

This will simply return the parent (story) due date field, but only on subtasks.

The other one is a little bit more complicated, as it has multiple conditions. 

if type = "Subtask" and !remaining_estimate : PARENT{remaining_estimate}

Here !reamaining_estimate means that the field is empty or 0.

Lastly you will want to change the format dropdown on the formulae to present the date and duration values correctly.  If the formula just returns a big number that is the first thing I would check.

Nick [Tempo/ALM Works]

KS December 5, 2022

Hi @Nicholas Ellis _ALM Works_  , 


Thanks for your answer !


PARENT{} is not working as no data is displayed.

Any idea why ?


Thanks a lot !


Nicholas Ellis _ALM Works_
Atlassian Partner
December 6, 2022

Hi Klaas,

The PARENT{} function returns whatever field is in the brackets.  If it is empty I would expect it to return nothing.  If it was something like PARENT{some_field}, I would check that the some_field variable pointed to an existing Jira field with data.

If all of those things are true and it still doesn't work you might have an issue with your if condition or syntax.  Can you share the precise Expr formula you are using?

Nick [Tempo/ALM Works]

Like David Niro likes this
KS December 6, 2022

Hi Nicolas,


When I remove PARENT{} , the due_date of the Subtask is made visible if it is set as expected. 



I also have a problem with e.g. issueLinks . Maybe I do something wrong here (I just copied the sample formula).

Could it be that I miss some libraries or extensions or something like that ?



Thanks a lot !!


Nicholas Ellis _ALM Works_
Atlassian Partner
December 6, 2022

Hi Klaas,

The issuelinks array is only available with Structure on prem currently.  Your code is correct, but the platform is not.  Here is the link to our cloud documentation.

My apologies for the confusion.

Nick [Tempo/ALM Works]

KS December 8, 2022

Hi Nicholas,

Oww, that explains a lot. Sorry I hadn't seen this.

Thanks a lot !!


0 votes
Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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November 30, 2022

Hi @[deleted] welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Would you like a roll-up/aggregation of the Remaining Estimate from Subtask to Epic level?

KS November 30, 2022

Hi @Dave Mathijs

When there are no remaining estimates defined for the subtask, I want to have the remaining estimate of it's parent issue (story).

No remaining roll-up/aggregation of the Remaining Estimate from Subtask to Epic level, only story level.

Thanks !


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