Jira Service Desk - Your not allowed to browse projects

Ryan Carl December 5, 2018

Using the admin user that I set up Jira Service Desk with, I created an IT Service Desk.

This all proceeded without incident.

After this was completed, I added a directory for our AD and connected it- again with no issues.

I then added a group to the Jira Administrators group.  Group members have system admin rights with no issue.

I also added this group to the IT Service Desk Project Administrators group and confirmed that members show up in the Administrators role. 

I added my AD user to both the Administrator role and the Service Desk Agent role for that project.  My users shows up under both roles.

When I login with that user and attempt to view the project, I get an error - "Your not allowed to browse projects" 

When I use the permission helper as my setup user and enter my AD account, one of the Service Desk Issues, and either role, it all comes back green.  

This is just a test instance to see if we want to deploy this product.  If needed it can be easily destroyed and recreated.

Any suggestions are appreciated!

1 answer

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Ryan Carl December 5, 2018

I just fixed this by removing the user, and inviting using the Invite Team option.  I am not sure what the difference is, but something must happen in the background different from adding a role.

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