Jira Product discovery - Planned completion date

Amy Heiser
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September 30, 2024

In Jira Product Discovery (JPD) I'm using the option to update my planned completion date based on the linked delivery tickets (which I really like)!  But some of our delivery tickets are actually existing initiatives in Jira, and for those initiatives, JPD is not bringing in the child epic due dates to roll up to the JPD idea planned completion date.  

An example: It lets me add an initiative level delivery ticket to this JPD idea.  And several of these epic children contain due dates past Dec 20 2024, but it is showing that the planned completion is Dec 20, 2024 (because the latest date of the another epic linked directly as delivery tickets to this JPD idea is due on Dec 20, 2024) - it is ignoring my linked initiatives in the calculation in the planned completion date.  

This seems like a bug to me since I can't find documentation that says they are treated differently .

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