Jira Github Integration

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March 29, 2024

I have my github repository integrated to jira github-for-jira: https://github.com/atlassian/github-for-jira

I have github action workflow in my repository which deploys my code and I see those deployments in my jira tickets. Each deployment I do via the workflow has a unique url which I want to provide to my QA team for testing. Is there a way I can add my URL to the deployments visible in jira? 

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Sushant Verma
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March 31, 2024

Hi @kukrejaravi 

Welcome to the community!

You can add the deployment URL to the deployments visible in Jira by using the Jira REST API. You can automate this process by modifying your GitHub Actions workflow to trigger a script that updates the Jira issue with the deployment URL.

Here's a general outline of how you can achieve this:

  1. Generate Jira API Token: First, generate an API token for your Jira account. You'll need this token to authenticate your requests to the Jira API.

  2. Create a Script: Write a script (e.g., in Python) that uses the Jira REST API to update the deployment information for a specific Jira issue. You can use the POST /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/transitions endpoint to add a comment to the issue with the deployment URL.

  3. Integrate with GitHub Actions: Modify your GitHub Actions workflow YAML file to trigger the script after a successful deployment. You'll need to include the necessary environment variables for authentication (e.g., Jira API token, Jira issue key).

Sushant Verma

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March 31, 2024

@Sushant Verma  Hello Sushant. Thank you for your response. Do I need a separate token from my user account, given my github repository and jira are already integrated via github-for-jira? 

Sushant Verma
Community Leader
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April 1, 2024

@kukrejaravi  Yes!

Sushant Verma

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Christophe De Beule April 12, 2024

Hi @kukrejaravi 


I am Christophe a solution engineer for Exalate.


With Exalate you can easily create an intigration between Jira and GitHub.

The solution boasts a unique decentralized approach to integrate your work systems together while providing full autonomy to each side of the connection.

To make your life easier you can create a trigger, this will automatically sync for you. So no more manual work.


Exalate is easy and straightforward to set up and you can control exactly which data you want to send and/or receive. 

If you would like to see a customized demo of the product, don't hesitate to book a slot with us. 


Kind regards,

Christophe De Beule

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