Jira Data Center Cluster on Kubernetes

Qusai Atoon November 20, 2024

Hello Atlassian Community, 


I'm working on a project where we want to install Jira Data Center on a Kubernetes Cluster. 

My problem is that I'm stuck on some concepts that I thought I understood, but now after I implemented the first POC setup, I need some clarifications to make sure if what I need is achievable or not


What I Expected: 

My initial Thoughts were that we're going to have a Jira Cluster that contains 2 nodes and let Kubernetes Horizontally-Auto-Scale my cluster based on the usage of the Application. 


What I now have in hand: 

Now after implementing the POC for my organization, I have:

  • A K8s (Kubernetes) cluster which contains two pods, each pod contains a node in my Jira Cluster.
  • Each k8s pod / Jira Node can be Auto-scaled on it's own. 

A constant number of Jira nodes, which isn't exactly what was expected from this new setup. 


My question

the question is: 


"Is it possible to have K8s as the orchestrater of my nodes in the context of provisioning and deprovisioning them instead of having constant number of nodes nodes?"



Qusai Atoon. 

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