Jira Dashboard : how to show linked issues collected by status?

Shruti Pareek
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February 24, 2025

Hello team, 

We use a Jira Dashboard to track all our Epics targeting a certain release. Each Epic has some prereqs that need to be met for the Epic to move from one milestone to the next. These pre-reqs are linked 'Document' issues with the Epic set as 'Epic Link'.

We want to be able to track the status of these linked 'Document' issues by their status. 

I cannot find a way to query for the linked issues.

I do see an option to query for 'Subtasks' in a 'Smart Filter' as follows and am looking for an equivalent for linked issues (that are not subtasks). 

issue in subtask("summary ~ 'XYZ Approval' and status = 'Not Applicable'") 

The Rich Filter query for the Dashboard is something like this:


project = def AND fixVersion in ("ABCD") AND issuetype = epic AND Status not in (Accepted, Duplicate) 

2 answers

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Pasam Venkateshwarrao
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February 24, 2025

Hi @Shruti Pareek 


Thanks for reaching out to the community, in order to see the linked issues of epic status                                                                                                             

issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("project=BFQD") AND issueLinkType = "relates to" AND statusCategory != "Done" 


Hope this helps

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Trudy Claspill
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February 24, 2025

Hello @Shruti Pareek 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

You said that the "Document" issues are "linked" to the Epic by setting the "Epic Link" field. An issue that has its Epic Link field set can be referred to as a "child" issue of that Epic.

You can query for the child issues of a specific Epic thus:

"Epic Link" = ABC-123

...where ABC-123 is the issue key for the Epic. To get just the Document type issue add issue type as a criteria:

"Epic Link" = ABC-123 and issuetype = Document


Are you able to successfully execute this filter that you provided as an example?

issue in subtask("summary ~ 'XYZ Approval' and status = 'Not Applicable'") 

issue in subtask(subquery) is not a function that is provided natively by Jira Data Center. It is possible that has been made available by addition of a third party plugin. And if you are using a third party plugin that extends the capabilities of JQL, then it may also include a function that allows you to filter for the Document issue types that are children of Epics that you are selecting based on a filter.

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