Jira Cloud for Sheet is not refreshing automatically

Daniela Tartabini
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May 20, 2024

Could you help me?

I have configurated Jira Cloud for sheet hourly but this never made a refesh automatically each hour, i need to do this in manual form


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Rising Star
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May 26, 2024

Hi @Daniela Tartabini ,

Disconnecting & reconnecting generally helps. However, usually this doesn't fix it permanently. Definitely worth checking occasionally that the refresh still works. There are many post on the Atlassian Community how to solve this and many similar issues.

If you need a more robust solution, you can try our Google Sheets Integration add-on from the Atlassian Marketplace. It works differently by exporting directly out of Jira via API calls. It is much more reliable and used by many large organizations. Exports can be one-time, scheduled, or real-time You can also export much richer data to create more sophisticated reports (Assets, Changelogs, Projects, Sprints, Users, etc.). Everything directly controlled within Jira. Give it a try.


Kind regards,

The Mobility Team


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Lígia Zanchet
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 23, 2024

Hello Daniela

Welcome to our community.
I performed a test and my sheet is auto-refreshing:

To ensure seamless functionality, please follow these steps to re-authorize your app:

  1. Open the Add-on: Launch Google Sheets and open the add-on.
  2. Access the Menu: Click on the Menu button located at the top-left of the add-on pop-up.
  3. Disconnect Site: Select "Disconnect Site" to log out of the add-on.
  4. Reconnect: Log back into the add-on to reconnect your account.
  5. Authorize Account: Navigate to the SCHEDULE section and select Edit. You will be prompted to authorize your account.
  6. Set Schedule: After authorization, set your desired hourly schedule. The app will begin polling every hour (or according to your selected schedule).

Thank you!

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