Jira Cloud MS Teams bug on filter

beks6 September 26, 2023

There seems to be a bug with issue filters when using them in MS Teams Jira Cloud App.


If you create a filter with status categories "To Do", "In Progress" MS Teams throws 

The value 'in progress' does not exist for the field 'statuscategory'.


If you check the JQL in Jira you can see that for the status "To Do" JQL seems to use an enum New, and for the status "In Progress it uses a string literal "In Progress"

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-26 um 13.01.54.png


Some more findings


"To Do" resolves in JQL to New

"In Progress" resolves in JQL to "In Progress"

"Done" resolves in JQL to Complete


Only New can be shown in MS Teams

2 answers

0 votes
Josh Martin January 17, 2024

I'm having this identical issue and have not figured out a solution.

0 votes
beks6 September 26, 2023


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