Jira Calendar Gadget

Duane Steyn April 15, 2024

At the moment, my Calendar shows all the issues in the same colour, no matter what their status is. Is it possible to show the Done status and In Progress statuses in a different colour, so that I can immediately see, by their colour at what stage the issue is.

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Danut M _StonikByte_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
April 15, 2024

Hi @Duane Steyn,

The gadget does coloring by Priority, not by Status.

So, if you want to get different colors, you could set the Priority field to a certain value when an issue reaches a specific status.  


Hope this helps.


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Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
April 15, 2024

In Jira, customizing the Calendar gadget to display issues in different colors based on their status isn't directly supported within the default settings. However, you can achieve this visualization by using a few alternative methods:

  1. Jira Dashboard Gadgets: There are several gadgets and plugins available for Jira that may offer more customization than the standard Calendar gadget. Plugins like "Enhanced Calendar" or "Advanced Roadmaps" (for Jira Premium users) might allow you to color-code issues based on their statuses.

  2. Custom Dashboards with Filters: Although not as straightforward as changing colors in the Calendar gadget, you can create custom dashboards with filters that display issues by their status. You can have separate gadgets for issues in different statuses, such as "Done" and "In Progress."

  3. Third-party Plugins: Explore the Atlassian Marketplace for third-party plugins that might offer enhanced calendar functionalities. For example, Planyway Calendar for Jira colors cards depending on the issue type.

  4. Confluence Integration: If you use Confluence alongside Jira, you can create a Confluence page that uses the Jira Issues Macro to display issues in a table or other formats, possibly with colors (using additional styling or scripts).

  5. Webhooks and API: For a more technical approach, you could use Jira's API to pull data into an external calendar tool (like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook) and apply custom color-coding there.

Duane Steyn April 16, 2024

Thank to all. I have added priority to get different color immediately (as suggested by Danut) but will explore the other options suggest by Maria to get a permanent, tailormade solution.

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