JQL (with scriptrunner) to filter all items where an Epic has stories/tasks associated with a sprint

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February 27, 2023

Hi - sorry for the long title!

I need to return all items, whether they are Epics, Stories, Tasks or Bugs but I only want to show items which are assigned to Sprints.  This would be simple but our Epics are not assigned to Sprints.

Is it possible to find all tasks/stories/bugs which are assigned to sprints and include in the dataset the associated Epics (which are not assigned to sprints). 


This would exclude Epics which have no sprint tasks assigned and also exclude tasks not assigned to Sprints.

We have scriptrunner if this makes it easier.


Thanks in advance!

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Peter-Dave Sheehan
Rising Star
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February 27, 2023

With the "EpicOf" jql function provided by scriptrunner, you can do the following:

project in (AAA, BBB, CCC) AND (type in (Story, Task, Bug) OR issuefunction in epicsOf("project in (AAA, BBB, CCC) and type in (Story, Task, Bug)"))

It's best practice to include a project filter in the sub-query to limit performance impact. 

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