JQL to filter Epics, Stories and Task linked to an Epic of another project

Raashid A.J.M
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January 22, 2018


Is there is a filter I could use (a filter) to extract all the Epics, Stories and Tasks which are under "Project B" where "Epic A1" in "Project A" is an Initiative Epic for latest version of Jira


1 answer

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Shaakunthala January 22, 2018

There are third-party add-ons providing advanced JQL features. For example, JQL Tricks add-on provides 'issueFunction' feature which is capable of nesting JQL into subqueries.

With JQL Tricks you can do something like this:

project = B AND type = Epic AND issue in linkedIssues (A-1) OR project = B AND issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfAll ("type = Epic AND issue in linkedIssues (A-1)")

Without nested queries I don't think this is possible.



Raashid A.J.M
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
January 23, 2018

Thank you Shakuntha through forum and support behind the scene. Using

linkedIssuesOfAllRecursiveLimited("issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfRecursive('issue = A-1') AND labels in (XX, YY)",2) and sprint in openSprints () AND labels in (XX, YY)

Worked finally...

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