JQL query for transitioned to particular status 'today'

Jamie Harrop
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January 3, 2019


I am trying to build a JQL query that shows me issues that were transitioned to two particular status' 'today'. Today needs to be dynamic, so I can't use a specific date. I've got this working with a specific date with the below query:

project = [PROJECT] AND status changed to ("Published", "Live") during("2019-01-03", "2019-01-04")

How do I amend this so the date is dynamic to today (specifically today, not the past 24 hours).



2 answers

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Tarun Sapra
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January 3, 2019

Hello @Jamie Harrop

Here it is

project = [PROJECT] AND status changed to ("Published", "Live") AFTER startOfDay()
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Marc Minten _EVS_
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January 3, 2019

"...AFTER startOfDay()..." in stead of "during (...)" ?

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