JQL Queries, can anyone explain whats going on here

Ashley Russell October 3, 2011

Possibly some confusion on my part, as i appriciate that id is an alias for key/issue/id, but yea, what exactly is going on in this video?


Possibly I'm misunderstanding something, but yea, any suggestions as to whats going on?

6 answers

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 3, 2011

Try it with " id < 10125" too, you'll get another "interesting" result.

It's because JQL is not thinking that ID is the unique and immutable identifier in the database for an issue (I assume that's what you mean by "alias", even though it's not - the real "alias" is the "key" of project/sequence, because it can be changed and it's for human consumption). Even if it is thinking it's the ID of the issue, it's not seeing it as a number, I'd guess there's some form of binary or guid thingy going on in the background. Sorry that doesn't really answer the question, as I don't know what it's actually doing, but I do know that you can't get an issue ID via JQL or other tricks. I ended up with a derived custom field that displayed and indexed it when I needed it (even though it's pretty much functionally useless to the customers, they pay the bills ;-) )

Ashley Russell October 3, 2011

lol yea I've seen the id < 10 thing where it is trying to use 10 as like a foreign key and thus can not find the object of 10, which is even more confusing as its allowing the less than operator. lol its driving me mad :P only way I managed to find out that 10127 was the lowest id was via 'order by id asc' then limiting the query to 1, but then when i just randomly tried giving me all issues lower than 10128 in the gui so I could double check my answer, I came across this 'interesting' conumdrem.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 3, 2011

Try 10125 - that gave me almost the same result as 10128 in this install. I really don't think the < operator works for ID at all. I suspect it's just a quirk of the code that it returns anything at all!

Ashley Russell October 3, 2011

have to be honest, its making cross project pagination a nightmare :P

0 votes
Ashley Russell October 18, 2011

apparently i need to add additional details to this such that some1 can answer (got an email update from atlassian), so all i can say, is if i request id = 10127 i get the correct result

0 votes
Ashley Russell October 6, 2011

bump? :)

0 votes
Ashley Russell October 6, 2011

bump? :)

0 votes
Ashley Russell October 5, 2011

bump? :)

0 votes
Ashley Russell October 4, 2011

bump? :)

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