JIRA v3.13 (Hosted) - "required" fields

Andrew Smyth April 4, 2012

Hi all, fairly new to JIRA - am trying to set up a Helpdesk application that has a "Create" screen" and then progresses to a "resolve" screen.

I need "Required" (i.e. Mandatory) fields on the 'Create' screen, which seem to work OK, but am struggling to get "required" fields recognised on the 'Resolve' Screen (e.g. Resolve code, Resolve Time etc).

I am told Hosted (i.e. no access to scripts/macros etc) doesn't support this functionality, so wondered if anyone knows different or has any alternative solutions?

Feedback gratefully received!



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 4, 2012

Ah, yes, Jira doesn't actually do this.

It does have mandatory/optional flags for fields, but these are per project/issue type and not bound to screens or transitions. That's in the "field configuration" stuff, and it's simple - if you make a field mandatory, it won't let you create an issue without the value, or blank it out during edit/transition. It's always there on the issue, nothing you can do.

As part of the workflow, you could add "validators", which can prevent transitions happening if they're not matched, and a very popular plugin one is "block transition if field X not filled". But I don't know if any of these are installed in your hosted install

You can try to enforce mandatory fields with javascript, but I've not done it and have no useful advice on that, and, of course, it's quite easy for a techy to bypass javascript if they feel like it.

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