JIRA sprint field Id

Vladimir June 4, 2020

Our team works on project, which involves interactions with JIRA via it's REST Api. Now we are a bit confused, as JIRA has system field Sprint, which seems to be immutable in JIRA's admin side, and it seems to be custom, with Id in our JIRA instance "customfield_10100".

- Is JIRA Sprint field custom, and could it be edited in this case ?

- Does it always have Id customfield_10100 in any JIRA instance, or in other JIRA instances these Id-s would/could be different, like customfield_10101 / customfield_10110 / customfield_10201, etc. ?

- If so, what is the algorithm to determine the Id of Sprint field in any JIRA instance using JIRA's REST Api ?

Looking forward to your reply !

Regards, Vladimir

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Trudy Claspill
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June 4, 2020

Hello Vladimir,

Welcome to the community.

Sprint is a custom field, in that it was not part of the JIRA Core field set, but is added to it as part of the larger JIRA Software field set. It is still considered an immutable field because it is central to the functioning of Agile.

The custom field ID may not be the same on all systems. Custom field numeric IDs are assigned sequentially, as needed when custom fields are created. If custom fields are not added in the same order on all systems (which they generally are not), the numeric portion of the IDs will be different.

Using the REST API you could get the full list of fields, and from that list find the Sprint field and get its ID from that.

Hope that helps.

Vladimir June 5, 2020

Well, thanks Trudy for quite a quick reply. But there's still one "not clear" point. You said "Using the REST API you could get the full list of fields, and from that list find the Sprint field and get its ID from that."

Actually JIRA allows to create several fields with the same name, "Sprint" in our case. What is the criteria to determine which of these sprint-field-s is intended to store "real sprints" ?

for example, below you could see part of JSON, returned from "/rest/api/2/field" endpoint:

[{"id":"customfield_10100","name":"Sprint","custom":true,"orderable":true,"navigable":true,"searchable":true,"clauseNames":["cf[10100]","Sprint"],"schema":{"type":"array","items":"string","custom":"com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint","customId":10100}},   {"id":"customfield_10510","name":"Sprint","custom":true,"orderable":true,"navigable":true,"searchable":true,"clauseNames":["cf[10510]","Sprint"],"schema":{"type":"array","items":"option","custom":"com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multicheckboxes","customId":10510}}]

One of these fields is for sprint, another one I created as a checkbox :) the only difference I see is property "custom" inside prop "schema". Is condition

f.schema.custom == "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint"

enough to make conclusion, that this is "real" sprint field ?

An Nguyen
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August 9, 2020

Same question. And I wonder if "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint" could be changed in the future without any notification? 

Trudy Claspill
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August 11, 2020


Sorry for the late reply.

Looking at my own system where we have only one "Sprint" field, the greenhopper one is the original sprint field.

I would suggest that you make a point of not creating fields with names that are already in use, and that you rename your custom Sprint field to another name to avoid confusion.

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