JIRA is running through old install directory after stopping it from current installation directory

Prasanna May 27, 2020

Hi All,

As our unix team is performing migration on our EC2 instance we had to stop our JIRA Application.

1.We went to current installation directory and ran the command ./stop-jira.sh

2.JIRA didn't stop and when we try to access the application it is showing the error has JIRA has failed to lock the home directory.

3. We ran ps -ef | grep jira command to see if the JIRA is running. It gave the results as it is running through previous installation directory.

4. So we have stopped the JIRA by going to previous installation directory.

5. We have started JIRA again by going to new installation directory and application was working fine.

We are not sure why JIRA instance is running through previous installation directory even after stopping it from current installation directory.

Can anyone please let us know the reason.

Thank you in advance.




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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 8, 2020

Hi Prasanna,

I understand that you are migrating your Jira installation.  It sounds as though you might have more than one Jira installation to this particular server.  That is possible.  I would not expect that the new install on this server could stop the existing Jira running from another directory though.

The startup and shutdown scripts for Jira Server and Data Center editions are setup in such a way that they are only expected to be able to start/stop that particular instance of Jira. So I don't expect that trying to shutdown Jira from the new install path will at all be able to stop another Jira instance running from a different install directory.


It might be that the old installation was setup to run Jira as a service as well.  If that happens the no user actually has to call Jira to start, it can just start when the system is started.  Details on setting this up in linux environments can be found in Run Jira as a systemd service on linux and for Windows machines in Running Jira applications as a Windows service.

I'd recommend disabling this old service if it exists as it will cause the old install to try to startup when the system is started.

I hope this helps.


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