JIRA Version filtering on backlog board

Paul Grinberg July 7, 2017

When I go to my project's Board to view the backlog, I can see all of the unreleased versions in the "Version" section of the board. Is there a way to filter those version in any way?

Background: My scrum team assigns two meanings to "versions".

  1. A group of features to be released together. This typically goes under code names, so that is the name of the version. User Stories and bugs are assigned to these versions during backlog grooming.
  2. We have lots of "releasable components" in our product and each one has a version. We don't typically know the actual version number of the next release of each of those components until we do the build. However, we do know that, when resolving a bug or completing a user story, the next release of a particular component will have the solution, so we want to mark the fix version.
    1. We currently accompish this by having multiple unreleased versions with names of the form "ComponentName_Next".
    2. When bugs/stories are resolved, we add the appropriate "ComponentName_Next" to the Fix Version.
    3. When that component's build is done, we do a bulk search for all issues with a Fix Version of the appropriate "ComponentName_Next" and rename that version to "ComponentName_1.2.3" (where 1.2.3 is the actual version of that build). This renamed version is then released with the date of the build. Then, we immediately create a new unreleased "ComponentName_Next" so that we can continue this scheme

This means that the Versions part of our Board has both types of versions. Since only the first type of version makes sence for backlog grooming, we want to hide the second type of version from this view.

Looking forward to responses. Thank you in advance!

3 answers

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Answer accepted
Paul Grinberg July 10, 2017

I found a workaround for my problem. Since the versions listed on the board are only the Unreleased ones, I can mark all "ComponentName_Next" as released on some meaningless date, say in Jan 01 2000. This hides the versions.

When I actually need to rename "ComponentName_Next" to "ComponentName_1.2.3", I need to unrelease and then re-release the version with a proper date. It's a bit clumsy, but an automatable workaround.

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Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
August 13, 2017

hi @Paul Grinberg@somethingblue

Yes you can use the Agile Board FIlter add-on to filter out Version/Epic panels


Soon we'll be releasing new filters:

  • Uncompleted
  • Unestimated


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 7, 2017

Hi Paul,

One open Suggestion that may help in the future can be found at JRASERVER-64868.  Please vote on this issue and add your use case to the notes for impact.  In addition, JRASERVER-22640 may also be of interest to you to vote on.



Paul Grinberg July 7, 2017

Thanks for the input. I've added my upvotes to those issues. 

In the mean time, can you think of any workarounds?

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