JIRA/Tableau intergration

Sanu Soman November 7, 2018

Hi All,

I am looking for the best way to export issues from our JIRA DC instance to upload to Tableau for real time reporting. I know below are the main options available but my main concern is that JIRA performance, so could you please suggest best approach?

1. Extract JIRA issues via REST API and upload to Tableau

2. Setup webhook in JIRA to extract issues from JIRA and upload to Tableau

3. Provide read-only access to JIRA DB - I don't think this is right approach

4. Setup real time replica DB - We have facing some internal issues for to setup replica DB, don't think its possible

5. Divert all REST calls to a single node in JIRA DC - Here also we experiencing issues that SSL termination need to happen at load balancer level to apply iRule to diver the REST calls, but it is not possible for us due to security issues.

Please note data extract involved for more than 10 projects and approximately 100K issues.


Sanu P Soman


1 answer

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Yuliia Maidanova -Alpha Serve- March 18, 2020

Hello @Sanu Soman 

Take a look at our plugin Tableau Connector for Jira.

It supports a wide range of Jira data configuration to export any field you wish: Jira tables and fields, including Custom fields, History, Jira Service Desk, Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Planner, Agile, and others. Will be happy to assist you with any questions!

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