JIRA - Reporter dropdown shows all users from all projects regardless of permissions

Jiri Pik March 20, 2019

Why does the name of a user who has no access to the project shows in the dropdown as a potential Reporter?

The same is for the Epics dropdown - why does it show epics from unrelated projects?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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March 20, 2019

The "reporter" is a slightly odd permission-based setting.

To be a "reporter", you need to be able to create issues in the project.  This means you can limit the reporter options by changing the permission scheme.  I suspect you'll find a default there already, like "all logged in users" or "all Jira users" - cut that back to just the people who should be able to create issues in the project.

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Prakhar Srivastav {Appfire}
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March 20, 2019

@Jiri Pik 

You can go to Project Permissions and set a role/group to allow access to be reporter on the issues in the project.

Please check if this helps.




Jiri Pik March 20, 2019

Prakhar - what is the exact name of the setting to be changed?

Prakhar Srivastav {Appfire}
Rising Star
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March 20, 2019

@Jiri Pik 

I checked the project permission scheme. And there is no reportable user like assignable user  ( as I assumed it should be). But still you can achieve what you want  by below steps:

First thing is since creator of the issue automatically becomes the reporter you can limit issue creation permission.

You can also restrict the ability to modify reporter.

So the above both combination can somewhat achieve what you want.




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