JIRA Issue layout

David Rouse July 15, 2020

Is there a way to make pieces of information from the context section available in the description section without creating tabs?  Honestly kind of annoyed the decision seems to have been made for me about where I want most of the screen real estate spent vs previous versions of the product.

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John Funk
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July 16, 2020

Hi David - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I am not following your question. Can you provide a more detailed example?

David Rouse July 16, 2020

Hi John, Sure thing.  In our current JIRA set up, After I create an issue it looks like the following:


Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 9.45.04 AM.pngThe majority of the screen is taken up with the description field and activity which leaves me playing hide and go seek with other data points like sprints and epics over on the context menu. 

I would like to have certain data points like Sprint, Epic, story points etc hanging above the description on the left hand side of the screen real estate.  When editing the screen layout there does not seem to be a way to drag the elements from the context bucket of fields to the bucket the description is in.

John Funk
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July 16, 2020

Thanks - that's helpful!

So the issue is that the layout for the new issue view only allows multi-line fields in the center section and pretty much all other fields are on the right hand side. That is not something you can change. You can reorder how the fields show up from top to bottom but that's about it. 

You can follow along with the changes and read more about the new view here:


David Rouse July 16, 2020

Ok.  That's what I thought.  Super disappointing but thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

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